I tend not to be a wisher of ill will. Bill, drill, thrill, quill. Rhyming is fun. Wait, what? Anyway, for serious, I am sick of this Twilight bullshit. I know what you all must be thinking: "By blogging about it, you are just giving it more importance blah blah I don't know shit about anything cause I'm stupid." Yeah, thats what you sound like. Others will be all like: "All you do is whine, nyah nyah nyah. You can't do anything about it anyway, blah blah. Twilight is what it is and it's going to stay popular for awhile whether you like it or not, bewb bewb bewb" (heh, that last one was really kinda good).
Well guess what, shit for brains!
I have a solution to this shit. It involves a flux capacitor, a phone booth and 1.21 jigawatts of pure genius. Also, the flashy thingy from men in black.
See, in the past I have contemplated traveling back in time to before the bitch who wrote the fucking books decided to make life miserable for every intelligent male on the planet and just plain murdering her to death until she died from dying. This, however, presented several complications as I didn't want her ghost to come back and haunt me and shit. That would fucking suck monkey balls. So after pondering long and hard (heh, giggity) I decided to get ahold of the flashy thingy from the men in black movies and just make her forget about ever having the idea of gay vampires sparkling it up while they have teh gay buttsecks and climb trees and play baseball.
So all I have to do now is get one of those flashy thingies and a time machine. I'm pretty sure I saw one of the former on sale at best buy and the parts to bould the latter at the home depot. I got a screenshot of Doc Browns original plans for the flux capacitor and I'm pretty confident I can get that bad boy operational by 2011.
Yeah, I know that there are serious implications and paradoxes to consider when attempting time travel, but the butterfly effect (the actual theory, not the movie, you brainless fernheads) and the grandfather paradox be damned, I will not stand for anymore of this hippie sparkly vampire crap.