Sunday, September 13, 2009

NPH motherfucker. Better reckognize!

So you know how sometimes when you go to a place and the people are all like: "Hey! I know you. Arent you that guy that played Doogie Howser?"

Man, that annoys me.

It's like... I don't even look like him. Seriously.

No no. The man responsible for achieving our suspension of disbelief in teenaged doctors is none other than a man. Wait, that was redundant.

It was a gay man. A gay man portraying a straight (or so we are presume) teenager.

That man... was Niel Patrick Harris.

NPH was born of humble beginnings. His parents of course were simple farm folk. They grew veggies and raised animals.

One day however, the young man was blessed by Thor, the norse god of thunder himself, with an otherworldly acting talent. It was then that he was all like, "I gotta put this to the test."

And so, he donned the white coat and became Doogie. I mean seriously, what kind of a name is Doogie? It's like doggie with a typo. And what is that short for? Dooglas? Doogbert?


The Ph in NPH stands for Pussy Handler. That is all you kneed to knoe. Fuck you. we should spell it like that anyway.

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